Source code for aiida_vasp.utils.workchains

Utils for the workchains.

Auxiliary routines that are not part of any of the workchain classes, but needed
to make code more compact in the workchains.
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np

from aiida.common.extendeddicts import AttributeDict
from aiida.engine.processes.exit_code import ExitCode
from aiida.orm import Dict
from aiida.plugins import DataFactory

from aiida_vasp.utils.extended_dicts import delete_keys_from_dict

[docs] def prepare_process_inputs(inputs, namespaces=None, exclude_parameters=None): """ Prepare the inputs dictionary for a calculation. Any remaining bare dictionaries in the inputs dictionary will be wrapped in a Dict data node except for the 'options', 'metadata', 'potential' and any key specified in the parameters namespaces. They all should remain a standard dictionary. Another exception are dictionaries whose keys are not strings but for example tuples. """ prepared_inputs = AttributeDict() if namespaces is None: namespaces = [] if exclude_parameters is None: exclude_parameters = [] no_dict = ['options', 'metadata', 'potential', 'parameters'] no_dict = no_dict + namespaces # Copy and convert dict for key, val in inputs.items(): if (key not in no_dict and isinstance(val, dict) and all([isinstance(k, str) for k in val.keys()])): # pylint: disable=use-a-generator prepared_inputs[key] = Dict(dict=val) else: prepared_inputs[key] = val try: # Remove excluded entries for parameters parameters = prepared_inputs.parameters if exclude_parameters: # First make sure we have a proper copy so that any removal does not havoc elements in the dictionary if isinstance(parameters, DataFactory('core.dict')): parameters = prepared_inputs.parameters.clone() # Unpack in case the parameters is a Dict data structure parameters = parameters.get_dict() else: parameters = deepcopy(prepared_inputs.parameters) delete_keys_from_dict(parameters, exclude_parameters) if not isinstance(parameters, DataFactory('core.dict')): # Convert parameters to Dict parameters = DataFactory('core.dict')(dict=parameters) prepared_inputs.parameters = parameters except AttributeError: # In case parameters is not present at all pass return prepared_inputs
[docs] def compare_structures(structure_a, structure_b): """Compare two StructureData objects A, B and return a delta (A - B) of the relevant properties.""" delta = AttributeDict() delta.absolute = AttributeDict() delta.relative = AttributeDict() volume_a = structure_a.get_cell_volume() volume_b = structure_b.get_cell_volume() delta.absolute.volume = np.absolute(volume_a - volume_b) delta.relative.volume = np.absolute(volume_a - volume_b) / volume_a pos_a = np.array([site.position for site in structure_a.sites]) pos_b = np.array([site.position for site in structure_b.sites]) delta.absolute.pos = pos_a - pos_b site_vectors = [delta.absolute.pos[i, :] for i in range(delta.absolute.pos.shape[0])] a_lengths = np.linalg.norm(pos_a, axis=1) delta.absolute.pos_lengths = np.array([np.linalg.norm(vector) for vector in site_vectors]) delta.relative.pos_lengths = np.array([np.linalg.norm(vector) for vector in site_vectors]) / a_lengths cell_lengths_a = np.array(structure_a.cell_lengths) delta.absolute.cell_lengths = np.absolute(cell_lengths_a - np.array(structure_b.cell_lengths)) delta.relative.cell_lengths = np.absolute(cell_lengths_a - np.array(structure_b.cell_lengths)) / cell_lengths_a cell_angles_a = np.array(structure_a.cell_angles) delta.absolute.cell_angles = np.absolute(cell_angles_a - np.array(structure_b.cell_angles)) delta.relative.cell_angles = np.absolute(cell_angles_a - np.array(structure_b.cell_angles)) / cell_angles_a return delta
[docs] def fetch_k_grid(rec_cell, k_spacing): """ Suggest a sensible k-point sampling based on a supplied spacing. :param rec_cell: A two dimensional ndarray of floats defining the reciprocal lattice with each vector as row elements. :param k_spacing: The k-point spacing. :return kgrid: The k-point grid given the supplied `rec_cell` and `kstep` This is usable for instance when performing plane wave cutoff convergence tests without a base k-point grid. """ rec_cell_lenghts = np.linalg.norm(rec_cell, axis=1) kgrid = np.ceil(rec_cell_lenghts / np.float64(k_spacing)) return kgrid.astype('int').tolist()
[docs] def compose_exit_code(status, message): """Compose an ExitCode instance based on a status and message.""" exit_code = ExitCode(status=status, message=message) return exit_code
[docs] def site_magnetization_to_magmom(site_dict): """ Convert site magnetization to MAGMOM used for restart NOTE: Only tested for colinear cases """ if 'site_magnetization' in site_dict: site_dict = site_dict['site_magnetization'] site_dict = site_dict['sphere'] to_use = None for symbol in 'xyz': if site_dict.get(symbol) and site_dict.get(symbol, {}).get('site_moment'): to_use = symbol break # No available site magnetization for setting MAGMOM, something is wrong if to_use is None: raise ValueError('No valid site-projected magnetization available') # Ensure sorted list tmp = list(site_dict[to_use]['site_moment'].items()) tmp.sort(key=lambda x: int(x[0])) return [entry[1]['tot'] for entry in tmp]