Source code for aiida_vasp.workchains.bands

Bands workchain.

Intended to be used to extract the band structure using SeeKpath as a preprocessor
to extract the k-point path.

# pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init, import-outside-toplevel
from aiida.common.extendeddicts import AttributeDict
from aiida.engine import WorkChain, append_, calcfunction
from aiida.plugins import WorkflowFactory

from aiida_vasp.assistant.parameters import inherit_and_merge_parameters
from aiida_vasp.utils.aiida_utils import get_data_class, get_data_node
from aiida_vasp.utils.workchains import compose_exit_code, prepare_process_inputs

[docs] class BandsWorkChain(WorkChain): """Extract the band structure using k-point paths fetched from SeeKpath.""" _verbose = False _next_workchain_string = 'vasp.vasp' _next_workchain = WorkflowFactory(_next_workchain_string)
[docs] @classmethod def define(cls, spec): super(BandsWorkChain, cls).define(spec) spec.expose_inputs( cls._next_workchain, exclude=('parameters', 'settings', 'kpoints'), ) spec.input( 'parameters', valid_type=get_data_class('core.dict'), required=False, ) spec.input( 'settings', valid_type=get_data_class('core.dict'), required=False, ) spec.input( 'smearing.gaussian', valid_type=get_data_class('core.bool'), required=False, default=lambda: get_data_node('core.bool', True), help=""" Whether or not gaussian smearing will be used. Equivalent to `ISMEAR=0`. """, ) spec.input( 'smearing.sigma', valid_type=get_data_class('core.float'), required=False, default=lambda: get_data_node('core.float', 0.05), help=""" Magnitude of the smearing in eV. """, ) spec.input( 'restart_folder', valid_type=get_data_class('core.remote'), required=True, help=""" The folder to restart in, which contains the outputs from the prerun to extract the charge density. """, ) spec.input( 'bands.kpoints_distance', valid_type=get_data_class('core.float'), required=False, default=lambda: get_data_node('core.float', 0.05), help=""" The distance between each k-point along each high-symmetry line. """, ) spec.input( 'bands.decompose_bands', valid_type=get_data_class('core.bool'), required=False, default=lambda: get_data_node('core.bool', False), help=""" Decompose the band structure on each atom. """, ) spec.input( 'bands.decompose_wave', valid_type=get_data_class('core.bool'), required=False, default=lambda: get_data_node('core.bool', False), help=""" Decompose the wave function. """, ) spec.input( 'bands.lm', valid_type=get_data_class('core.bool'), required=False, default=lambda: get_data_node('core.bool', False), help=""" Further decompose the decomposition into l- and m-states. """, ) spec.input( 'bands.phase', valid_type=get_data_class('core.bool'), required=False, default=lambda: get_data_node('core.bool', False), help=""" Further decompose the l- and m-state decomposition into phases. """, ) spec.input( 'bands.wigner_seitz_radius', valid_type=get_data_class('core.list'), required=False, default=lambda: get_data_node('core.list', list=[False]), help=""" The Wigner-Seitz radius for each atom type in AA as a list. If set, the internal projectors are not utilized. """, ) spec.outline( cls.initialize, cls.get_kpoints_path, cls.init_next_workchain, cls.run_next_workchain, cls.verify_next_workchain, cls.results, cls.finalize ) # yapf: disable spec.expose_outputs(cls._next_workchain) spec.output( 'bands', valid_type=get_data_class('core.array.bands'), ) spec.exit_code( 0, 'NO_ERROR', message='the sun is shining', ) spec.exit_code( 420, 'ERROR_NO_CALLED_WORKCHAIN', message='no called workchain detected', ) spec.exit_code( 500, 'ERROR_UNKNOWN', message='unknown error detected in the bands workchain', ) spec.exit_code( 2001, 'ERROR_BANDSDATA_NOT_FOUND', message='BandsData not found in exposed_outputs', )
[docs] def initialize(self): """Initialize.""" self._init_context() self._init_inputs() self._init_settings()
def _init_context(self): """Initialize context variables.""" self.ctx.exit_code = self.exit_codes.ERROR_UNKNOWN # pylint: disable=no-member self.ctx.inputs = AttributeDict() def _init_settings(self): """Initialize the settings.""" # Make sure we parse the bands if 'settings' in self.inputs: settings = AttributeDict(self.inputs.settings.get_dict()) else: settings = AttributeDict({'parser_settings': {}}) dict_entry = {'add_bands': True} try: settings.parser_settings.update(dict_entry) except AttributeError: settings.parser_settings = dict_entry self.ctx.inputs.settings = settings def _init_inputs(self): """Initialize inputs.""" self.ctx.inputs.parameters = self._init_parameters() # Do not put the SeeKPath parameters in the inputs to avoid port checking # of the next workchain self.ctx.seekpath_parameters = get_data_node( 'core.dict', dict={'reference_distance': self.inputs.bands.kpoints_distance.value} ) try: self._verbose = self.inputs.verbose.value self.ctx.inputs.verbose = self.inputs.verbose except AttributeError: pass def _init_parameters(self): """Collect input to the workchain in the relax namespace and put that into the parameters.""" # At some point we will replace this with possibly input checking using the PortNamespace on # a dict parameter type. As such we remove the workchain input parameters as node entities. Much of # the following is just a workaround until that is in place in AiiDA core. parameters = inherit_and_merge_parameters(self.inputs) # Now we need to make sure we keep the charge density fixed. When executing this # workchain we already receive a restart folder, where the charge density resides from the # previous run. parameters.charge = AttributeDict() parameters.charge.constant_charge = True return parameters
[docs] def init_next_workchain(self): """Initialize the next workchain.""" try: self.ctx.inputs except AttributeError as no_input: raise ValueError('No input dictionary was defined in self.ctx.inputs') from no_input # Add exposed inputs self.ctx.inputs.update(self.exposed_inputs(self._next_workchain)) # Make sure we do not have any floating dict (convert to Dict) self.ctx.inputs = prepare_process_inputs(self.ctx.inputs, namespaces=['dynamics'])
[docs] def run_next_workchain(self): """Run the next workchain.""" inputs = self.ctx.inputs running = self.submit(self._next_workchain, **inputs)'launching {self._next_workchain.__name__}<{}> ') return self.to_context(workchains=append_(running))
[docs] def get_kpoints_path(self): """ Fetch the k-point path. Run SeeKpath to get the high symmetry lines of the given structure. This routine returns a new (potentially different to the input structure) primitive structure. It also returns the k-point path for this structure. """ result = seekpath_structure_analysis(self.inputs.structure, self.ctx.seekpath_parameters) self.ctx.inputs.kpoints = result['explicit_kpoints']
[docs] def verify_next_workchain(self): """Verify and inherit exit status from child workchains.""" try: workchain = self.ctx.workchains[-1] except IndexError:'There is no {self._next_workchain.__name__} in the called workchain list.') return self.exit_codes.ERROR_NO_CALLED_WORKCHAIN # pylint: disable=no-member # Inherit exit status from last workchain (supposed to be successful) next_workchain_exit_status = workchain.exit_status next_workchain_exit_message = workchain.exit_message if not next_workchain_exit_status: self.ctx.exit_code = self.exit_codes.NO_ERROR # pylint: disable=no-member else: self.ctx.exit_code = compose_exit_code(next_workchain_exit_status, next_workchain_exit_message) f'The called {workchain.__class__.__name__}<{}> returned a non-zero exit status. ' f'The exit status {self.ctx.exit_code} is inherited' ) return self.ctx.exit_code
[docs] def results(self): """Attach the remaining output results.""" workchain = self.ctx.workchains[-1] out_dict = self.exposed_outputs(workchain, self._next_workchain) bands = out_dict.pop('bands', None) self.out_many(out_dict) if bands is None: self.ctx.exit_code = self.exit_codes.ERROR_BANDSDATA_NOT_FOUND # pylint: disable=no-member else: self.out('bands', attach_labels(bands, self.ctx.inputs.kpoints)) self.ctx.exit_code = self.exit_codes.NO_ERROR # pylint: disable=no-member return self.ctx.exit_code
[docs] def finalize(self): """Finalize the workchain.""" return self.ctx.exit_code
[docs] @calcfunction def seekpath_structure_analysis(structure, parameters): """ Workfunction to extract k-points in the reciprocal cell. This workfunction will take a structure and pass it through SeeKpath to get the primitive cell and the path of high symmetry k-points through its Brillouin zone. Note that the returned primitive cell may differ from the original structure in which case the k-points are only congruent with the primitive cell. """ from import get_explicit_kpoints_path return get_explicit_kpoints_path(structure, **parameters.get_dict())
[docs] @calcfunction def attach_labels(bands, kpoints): bands_with_labels = bands.clone() bands_with_labels.labels = kpoints.labels return bands_with_labels