aiida_vasp.parsers package



Common code for parsers.

class aiida_vasp.parsers.base.BaseParser(node)[source]

Bases: Parser

Does common tasks all parsers carry out and provides convenience methods.


Check the folders and set the retrieved_content for use in extending parsers.

aiida_vasp.parsers.base.list_files_recursive(retrieved, top_level='')[source]

Recursively list the content of a retrieved FolderData node.

Parser for NEB calculations using VASP compiled with VTST

class aiida_vasp.parsers.neb.NEBNodeComposer(nodes, equivalent_quantity_keys, quantities, logger=None)[source]

Bases: NodeComposer

NodeComposer for NEB

Some quantities are composed at a per-image basis

COMBINED_NODES = ['neb_misc', 'image_forces']
COMBINED_QUANTITY = ['neb_data', 'outcar-forces']

Compose the nodes as required.

The major difference compared to the standard calculations is that NEB calculations have different images and most data are parsed at a per image basis. For example, each image would have its own output structure, bands, and kpoints.

However, some output includes the data from images, and needs to be handed separately.

static get_image_str(image_idx)[source]

Infer the number of image from the keys of the quantities dictionary

class aiida_vasp.parsers.neb.NEBParsableQuantities(vasp_parser_logger=None)[source]

Bases: ParsableQuantities

Quantity settings for NEB

class aiida_vasp.parsers.neb.NEBSettings(settings, default_settings=None, vasp_parser_logger=None)[source]

Bases: ParserSettings

Settings for NEB calculations

NODES = {'chgcar': {'link_name': 'chgcar', 'quantities': ['chgcar'], 'type': 'vasp.chargedensity'}, 'image_forces': {'link_name': 'image_forces', 'quantities': ['forces'], 'type': 'core.array'}, 'kpoints': {'link_name': 'kpoints', 'quantities': ['kpoints-kpoints'], 'type': 'core.array.kpoints'}, 'misc': {'link_name': 'misc', 'quantities': ['notifications', 'run_stats', 'run_status'], 'type': 'core.dict'}, 'neb_misc': {'link_name': 'neb_misc', 'quantities': ['neb_data'], 'type': 'core.dict'}, 'site_magnetization': {'link_name': 'site_magnetization', 'quantities': ['site_magnetization'], 'type': 'core.dict'}, 'structure': {'link_name': 'structure', 'quantities': ['structure'], 'type': 'core.structure'}, 'wavecar': {'link_name': 'wavecar', 'quantities': ['wavecar'], 'type': 'vasp.wavefun'}}
class aiida_vasp.parsers.neb.VtstNebParser(node)[source]

Bases: VaspParser

Parser for parsing NEB calculations performed with VASP compiled with VTST tools.

The major difference compared with standard VASP calculations is that the output files are placed in subfolders. With the only exception being vasprun.xml it is not clear what image this file is for.


alias of NEBNodeComposer


Return the number of images

Node composer.

class aiida_vasp.parsers.node_composer.NodeComposer(nodes, equivalent_quantity_keys, quantities, logger=None)[source]

Bases: object

Prototype for a generic NodeComposer, that will compose output nodes based on parsed quantities.

Provides methods to compose output_nodes from quantities. Currently supported node types are defined in NODES_TYPES.


static compose_core_array(node_type, inputs)[source]

Compose an array node.

compose_core_array_bands(node_type, inputs)[source]

Compose a bands node.

static compose_core_array_kpoints(node_type, inputs)[source]

Compose an array.kpoints node based on inputs.

static compose_core_array_trajectory(node_type, inputs)[source]

Compose a trajectory node.





trajectory data is stored at VasprunParser. The keys are ‘cells’, ‘positions’, ‘symbols’, ‘forces’, ‘stress’, ‘steps’.



To store the data, due to the definition of TrajectoryData in aiida-core v1.0.0, data, using the same keys are those from inputs, for ‘symbols’, the value is stored by set_attribute and for the others, the values are stored by by set_array.

static compose_core_dict(node_type, inputs)[source]

Compose the dictionary node.

static compose_core_structure(node_type, inputs)[source]

Compose a structure node from consumable inputs.

  • node_type – str Contains which type of AiiDA data structure you want for the node, i.e. structure.

  • inputs – Containing a key structure with keys sites and unitcell.

Here sites should contains an entry for each site with keys position, symbol and kind_name, which contain the position, the atomic symbol (e.g. Fe) and the name to separate e.g. different symbols from each other, e.g. Fe1.

compose_node(node_type, inputs)[source]

A wrapper for compose_node with a node definition taken from NODES.

  • node_type – str holding the type of the node. Must be one of the keys of NODES_TYPES.

  • quantities – A list of strings with quantities to be used for composing this node.


An AiidaData object of a type corresponding to node_type.


Compose the nodes according to the specifications.

property failed
property successful
aiida_vasp.parsers.node_composer.clean_nan_values(inputs: dict) dict[source]

Recursively replace NaN, Inf values (np.float) into None in place.

This is because AiiDA does not support serializing these values as node attributes.

Parser quantity configuration.

class aiida_vasp.parsers.quantity.ParsableQuantities(vasp_parser_logger=None)[source]

Bases: object

A Database of parsable quantities.

  • Get the parsable quantities from the object parsers and initialise them.

  • Provide ways to get parsable quantities.

add_parsable_quantity(quantity_key, quantity_dict)[source]

Put parsable quantity in the waiting list

property equivalent_quantity_keys

Equivalent quantity keys of quantity names



{quantity_name: [quantity_key, …], …}

property quantity_keys_to_content

Dictionary of quantity key -> object name

property quantity_keys_to_parse

List of quantity keys to parse after screening

setup(retrieved_content=None, parser_definitions=None, quantity_names_to_parse=None)[source]

Set the parsable_quantities dictionary based on PARSABLE_QUANTITIES obtained from object parsers.

Parser settings.

aiida_vasp.parsers.settings.CONTENT_PARSER_SETS = {'default': {'CHGCAR': {'is_critical': False, 'mode': 'r', 'parser_class': <class 'aiida_vasp.parsers.content_parsers.chgcar.ChgcarParser'>, 'status': 'Unknown'}, 'CONTCAR': {'is_critical': False, 'mode': 'r', 'parser_class': <class 'aiida_vasp.parsers.content_parsers.poscar.PoscarParser'>, 'status': 'Unknown'}, 'DOSCAR': {'is_critical': False, 'mode': 'r', 'parser_class': <class 'aiida_vasp.parsers.content_parsers.doscar.DoscarParser'>, 'status': 'Unknown'}, 'EIGENVAL': {'is_critical': False, 'mode': 'r', 'parser_class': <class 'aiida_vasp.parsers.content_parsers.eigenval.EigenvalParser'>, 'status': 'Unknown'}, 'IBZKPT': {'is_critical': False, 'mode': 'r', 'parser_class': <class 'aiida_vasp.parsers.content_parsers.kpoints.KpointsParser'>, 'status': 'Unknown'}, 'OUTCAR': {'is_critical': True, 'mode': 'r', 'parser_class': <class 'aiida_vasp.parsers.content_parsers.outcar.OutcarParser'>, 'status': 'Unknown'}, 'vasp_output': {'is_critical': False, 'mode': 'r', 'parser_class': <class ''>, 'status': 'Unkonwn'}, 'vasprun.xml': {'is_critical': True, 'mode': 'rb', 'parser_class': <class 'aiida_vasp.parsers.content_parsers.vasprun.VasprunParser'>, 'status': 'Unknown'}}, 'neb': {'CHGCAR': {'is_critical': False, 'mode': 'r', 'parser_class': <class 'aiida_vasp.parsers.content_parsers.chgcar.ChgcarParser'>, 'status': 'Unknown'}, 'CONTCAR': {'is_critical': False, 'mode': 'r', 'parser_class': <class 'aiida_vasp.parsers.content_parsers.poscar.PoscarParser'>, 'status': 'Unknown'}, 'DOSCAR': {'is_critical': False, 'mode': 'r', 'parser_class': <class 'aiida_vasp.parsers.content_parsers.doscar.DoscarParser'>, 'status': 'Unknown'}, 'EIGENVAL': {'is_critical': False, 'mode': 'r', 'parser_class': <class 'aiida_vasp.parsers.content_parsers.eigenval.EigenvalParser'>, 'status': 'Unknown'}, 'IBZKPT': {'is_critical': False, 'mode': 'r', 'parser_class': <class 'aiida_vasp.parsers.content_parsers.kpoints.KpointsParser'>, 'status': 'Unknown'}, 'OUTCAR': {'is_critical': False, 'mode': 'r', 'parser_class': <class 'aiida_vasp.parsers.content_parsers.outcar.VtstNebOutcarParser'>, 'status': 'Unknown'}, 'stdout': {'is_critical': False, 'mode': 'r', 'parser_class': <class ''>, 'status': 'Unknown'}, 'vasprun.xml': {'is_critical': False, 'mode': 'rb', 'parser_class': <class 'aiida_vasp.parsers.content_parsers.vasprun.VasprunParser'>, 'status': 'Unknown'}}}


class aiida_vasp.parsers.settings.ParserDefinitions(content_parser_set='default')[source]

Bases: object

Container of parser definitions

add_parser_definition(name, parser_dict)[source]

Add custom parser definition

property parser_definitions
class aiida_vasp.parsers.settings.ParserSettings(settings, default_settings=None, vasp_parser_logger=None)[source]

Bases: object

Settings object for the VaspParser.

  • settings – Dict with the ‘parser_settings’.

  • default_settings – Dict with default settings.

This provides the following properties to other components of the VaspParser:

  • nodes_dict: A list with all requested output nodes.

  • parser_definitions: A Dict with the definitions for each specific content parser.

  • quantities_to_parse: Collection of quantities in nodes_dict.

NODES = {'bands': {'link_name': 'bands', 'quantities': ['eigenvalues', 'kpoints', 'occupancies'], 'type': 'core.array.bands'}, 'born_charges': {'link_name': 'born_charges', 'quantities': ['born_charges'], 'type': 'core.array'}, 'charge_density': {'link_name': 'charge_density', 'quantities': ['charge_density'], 'type': 'core.array'}, 'dielectrics': {'link_name': 'dielectrics', 'quantities': ['dielectrics'], 'type': 'core.array'}, 'dos': {'link_name': 'dos', 'quantities': ['dos'], 'type': 'core.array'}, 'dynmat': {'link_name': 'dynmat', 'quantities': ['dynmat'], 'type': 'core.array'}, 'energies': {'link_name': 'energies', 'quantities': ['energies'], 'type': 'core.array'}, 'forces': {'link_name': 'forces', 'quantities': ['forces'], 'type': 'core.array'}, 'hessian': {'link_name': 'hessian', 'quantities': ['hessian'], 'type': 'core.array'}, 'kpoints': {'link_name': 'kpoints', 'quantities': ['kpoints'], 'type': 'core.array.kpoints'}, 'misc': {'link_name': 'misc', 'quantities': ['total_energies', 'maximum_stress', 'maximum_force', 'notifications', 'run_status', 'run_stats', 'version'], 'type': 'core.dict'}, 'poscar-structure': {'link_name': 'structure', 'quantities': ['poscar-structure'], 'type': 'core.structure'}, 'projectors': {'link_name': 'projectors', 'quantities': ['projectors'], 'type': 'core.array'}, 'site_magnetization': {'link_name': 'site_magnetization', 'quantities': ['site_magnetization'], 'type': 'core.dict'}, 'stress': {'link_name': 'stress', 'quantities': ['stress'], 'type': 'core.array'}, 'structure': {'link_name': 'structure', 'quantities': ['structure'], 'type': 'core.structure'}, 'trajectory': {'link_name': 'trajectory', 'quantities': ['trajectory'], 'type': 'core.array.trajectory'}, 'wavecar': {'link_name': 'wavecar', 'quantities': ['wavecar'], 'type': 'vasp.wavefun'}}
add_output_node(node_name, node_dict, is_custom_node=False)[source]

Add a definition of node to the nodes dictionary.

property critical_notifications_to_check

Return the list of critical notification names to be checked

get(item, default=None)[source]
property output_nodes_dict
property quantity_names_to_parse

Return the combined list of all the quantities, required for the current nodes.

property settings

Return the settings dictionary.


Update the quantities to be parsed.

VASP parser.

  • node_composer handles the quantity composition of nodes

  • quantity the actual quantity to parse and what object parsers to use to obtain it

  • settings general parser settings

  • manager takes the quantity definitions and executes the actual parsing needed

class aiida_vasp.parsers.vasp.NotificationComposer(notifications, parsed_quantities, inputs, exit_codes, parser_settings)[source]

Bases: object

Compose errors codes based on the notifications

property brmix

Check if BRMIX should be emitted


Compose the exit codes

Returns None if no exit code should be emitted, otherwise emit the error code.

property edddav_zhegv

Check if EDDDAV call to ZHEGV should be emitted. Sometimes it has converged.

property eddrmm_zhegv

Check if EDDRMM call to ZHEGV should be emitted. Sometimes it has converged.

class aiida_vasp.parsers.vasp.VaspParser(node)[source]

Bases: BaseParser

Parses all VASP calculations.

This particular class manages all the specific parsers located in aiida_vasp.parsers.content_parsers. The parser will check which quantities to parse and which nodes to add to the calculation based on the ‘parser_settings’ card in the ‘settings’ Dict of the corresponding VaspCalculation.

Parser Settings usage:

Parser settings can be passed through the input node settings as follows:

settings = Dict(dict={
    'parser_settings': {

Valid keys for parser_settings are:

  • add_<quantity>, where quantity is one of:

    ‘misc’: (Default) Parameterdata node containing various quantities from OUTCAR and vasprun.xml. ‘structure’: (Default) StructureData node parsed from CONTCAR ‘bands’: Band structure node parsed from EIGENVAL. ‘dos’: ArrayData node containing the DOS parsed from DOSCAR. ‘kpoints’: KpointsData node parsed from IBZKPT. ‘wavecar’: SinglefileData node containing the WAVECAR. ‘charge_density’: SinglefileData node containing the CHGCAR.

    If the value is set to False the quantity will not be returned.

  • critical_notifications: A dictionary of critical errors to be checked with items like ‘add_<key>’: True, similiar to the add_<quantity> syntax described above.

  • output_params: A list of quantities, that should be added to the ‘misc’ node.

  • content_parser_set: String (DEFAULT = ‘default’).

    By this option the default set of object parsers can be chosen. See for available options.

  • ignore_all_errors: If set to True, will skip checks for critical error messages. Defaults to False.

Additional object parsers can be added to the VaspParser by using

VaspParser.add_content_parser(parser_name, parser_definition_dict),

where the ‘parser_definition_dict’ should contain the ‘parser_class’ and the ‘is_critical’ flag. Keep in mind adding an additional object parsers after ‘parse_with_retrieved’ is called, will only have an effect when parsing a second time.


alias of NodeComposer

add_custom_node(node_name, node_dict)[source]

Add a custom node to the settings.

add_parsable_quantity(quantity_name, quantity_dict)[source]

Add a single parsable quantity to the _parsable_quantities.

add_parser_definition(name, parser_dict)[source]

Add the definition of an oobject parser to self._definitions.


The function that triggers the parsing of a calculation.

property parser_settings

The parser_settings dictionary passed

VASP to Wannier90 parser.

class aiida_vasp.parsers.vasp2w90.Vasp2w90Parser(node)[source]

Bases: VaspParser

Parse a finished aiida_vasp.Vasp2w90Calculation.

static convert_kpoints(kpoints)[source]

Convert the k-points output from string to float.


Create the wannier90 input and kpoints output nodes.


The main parsing method called by AiiDA.

set_node(name, node)[source]

Add a node if it is not None.