Customizations for VASP developers

Adding support for additional supported INCAR tags

Currently we do checks of the tags supplied as parameters. They need to comply with the keys in the parameters.yml file that are place in the assistant folder.

We have based this file on the VASP wiki and try to keep this updated.

For VASP developers that have need of additional tags not mentioned in the wiki page of VASP INCAR tags, or if there are cases where the updates between the wiki and the tags file is out of sync, additional tags can be supplied in the settings.unsupported_parameters input of the VaspWorkChain (or any workchain calling it). The format of this should be similar to the dictionary representation of parameters.yml file that is installed and contains the standard VASP tags as represented on the VASP INCAR tags. You should pass a dictionary of the following form:

unsupported_parameters = {'mynewtag': {'default': False,
                                       'description': 'A boolean to set enable my new awesome method',
                                       'type': float
                                       'values': [True, False]}}

Currently, only the tag key is used in the code to check that the user supplies a valid tag. If you use custom tags and do not supply this tag in parameter_tags, the calculation will not start.