VASP workchain

This is the base VASP workchain, it is designed so that one can perform any single DFT VASP run. The behavior of the calculation, i.e. exactly what kind of run is performed, control values, etc. are controlled via the parameters inputs.

The VaspWorkChain is the basis that is used to build the rest of the more specialized workchains, e.g. RelaxWorkChain to deal with the structural relaxation.

Required inputs

The VaspWorkChain requires a number of inputs, these comprise the minimum set of information to run a VASP calculation from AiiDA.

  • code, type: InstalledCode. Describes the VASP executable and holds a reference to the Computer instance on which it lives.

  • structure, type: StructureData or CifData. Describes the structure on which VASP is to be run.

  • kpoints, type: KpointsData. The kpoints mesh or path.

  • potential_family, type: Str. The name given to a set of uploaded POTCAR files.

  • potential_mapping, type: Dict. Dictionary containing an entry for at least every kind name in the structure input with the full name of the POTCAR from the potential_family. Example: {'In1': 'In_d', 'In2': 'In_h'}.

  • parameters, type: Dict. Dictionary with the parameters for the calculation. Please consult the documentation on how parameters are handled (:ref parameters) for details, particularly the section pertaining to the VaspWorkChain.

  • options, type: Dict. Dictionary containing at least the keys resources. More information about the options is available in the AiiDA documentation.

Extra inputs

The VaspWorkChain can take other inputs that allow for higher control of the workchain itself.

  • settings, type: Dict. Dictionary containing parameters not related to VASP itself, e.g. parser settings, selective dynamics, etc.

  • wavecar, type: WavefunData. It contains the wavefunctions of the Kohn-Sham equation as stored in the WAVECAR file. It can be used to restart a calculation in a very efficient manner.

  • chgcar`, type: ChargedensityData. It contains the charge density and the PAW one-center occupancies and can be used for restarting VASP calculation, as stored in the CHGCAR file.

  • site_magnetization, type: Dict. Dictionary containing the site dependent magnetization, that can be used to restart the calculation. It currently it is only tested for the collinear case.

  • restart_folder, type: RemoteData. This is a folder of a previous calculation that can be used as a parent or to restart the calculation.

  • max_iterations, type: Int, default: 5. How many iterations the restart will be attempted before resulting in failure.

  • clean_workdir, type: Bool, default: True. Whether or not the remote folder of the calculation will be deleted after the end of the calculation.

  • verbose, type: Bool, default: False. Whether or not extra information is displayed during the workchain execution.

  • dynamics.positions_dof, type: List. It controls the selective dynamics of the ions when performing relaxations.

Required outputs

A successful VaspWorkChain would result in the following outputs always being produced

  • misc, type: Dict. Dictionary containing the output parameters containing smaller quantities that do not depend on system size.

Extra outputs

Depending on the input variables passed as inputs one or more of the following outputs can be produced

  • structure, type: StructureData. Output structure from the simulation.

  • kpoints, type: KpointsData. Output k-points mesh.

  • trajectory, type: TrajectoryData. Trajectory of the atomic positions.

  • chgcar, type: ChargedensityData. It contains the charge density and the PAW one-center occupancies and can be used for restarting VASP calculation, as stored in the CHGCAR file.

  • wavecar, type: WavefunData. It contains the wavefunctions of the Kohn-Sham equation as stored in the WAVECAR file.

  • bands, type: BandsData. The output band structure.

  • forces, type: ArrayData. The output forces of the calculation.

  • stress, type: ArrayData. The output stress of the calculation.

  • dos, type: ArrayData. The output density of states of the calculation.

  • energies, type: ArrayData. The output total energies.

  • projectors, type: ArrayData. The output projectors of decomposition.

  • dielectrics, type: ArrayData. The output dielectric functions.

  • dynmat, type: ArrayData. The output dynamical matrix.

  • charge_density, type: ArrayData. The output charge density.

  • magnetization_density, type: ArrayData. The output magnetization density.

  • site_magnetization, type: Dict. Dictionary containing the site dependent magnetization.

Restarting calculations

The main difference between a VaspWorkChain and a VaspCalculation is that the former implements a basic logic of restarting failed or unfinished calculations. The framework of BaseRestartWorkChain is used with a set of predefined handlers to fix some (but not all) common pitfalls, such as restarting an ionic relaxation that has run out of the wall time and electronic convergence issues.

Once a calculation is finished, the CalculationNode is inspected by a series of process_handler, which are executed in the order of descending priority. Each handler may be tied to a specific list of exit_code that the calculation may have. If any problems are found, and the restart can be performed, a ProcessHandlerReport would be returned and added to a list. If the break attribute of the report is set to True the handling process would be terminated. Afterwards, the last report is inspected. If it has an none-zero exit_code the, then the workchain will be aborted with that exit_code returned, this corresponds to the case where the error cannot be corrected automatically. Otherwise, it is assumed that calculation should be restarted with the revised inputs.

The flow chart below illustrates how it works coupled with the emission of the ProcessHandlerReport from the handlers:


For more information, please see the docstring of BaseRestartWorkChain.

One should note that the handlers included here are not intended to give a comprehensive coverage of all of possible errors from VASP, but instead we focus on improving the robustness by performing simple corrections that would be the right things to do in most times.

New handlers may be registered by adding the method to VaspWorkChain with the process_handler decorator. Alternatively, one can also extended the VaspWorkChain by sub-classing and add more handlers there.