Source code for aiida_vasp.calcs.neb

Module for settings up NEB calculations
import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union

from aiida.common.exceptions import InputValidationError
from aiida.plugins import DataFactory

from aiida_vasp.calcs.vasp import VaspCalculation, ordered_unique_symbols
from aiida_vasp.parsers.content_parsers.poscar import PoscarParser
from aiida_vasp.utils.aiida_utils import get_data_class, get_data_node

[docs] class VaspNEBCalculation(VaspCalculation): """ NEB calculations using VASP ------------------------------------ Calculations for performing NEB calculations. NEB calculations requires standard VASP inputs, but POSCAR are placed in folder names 00, 01, 02... N for N-1 number of images. Input frames should be placed under the ``neb_images`` input namespace as a dictionary like:: { 'image_00': structure_1, 'image_01': structure_2 .... } Output of individual frames are placed in the corresponding namespace under the same convention. """ # Use stdout as the name for the diverted stdout to be consistent with those in the image folders _VASP_OUTPUT = 'stdout' _ALWAYS_RETRIEVE_LIST = ['OUTCAR', 'vasprun.xml', _VASP_OUTPUT] _PER_IMAGE_ALWAYS_RETRIEVE_LIST = ['OUTCAR', 'CONTCAR', _VASP_OUTPUT] _query_type_string = 'vasp.neb' _plugin_type_string = 'vasp.neb' _default_parser = 'vasp.neb'
[docs] @classmethod def define(cls, spec): super(VaspNEBCalculation, cls).define(spec) # NEB calculation does not have the structure input port spec.inputs.pop('structure') # Define the inputs. # options is passed automatically. spec.input( 'parameters', valid_type=get_data_class('core.dict'), help='The VASP input parameters (INCAR).', ) spec.input( 'dynamics', valid_type=get_data_class('core.dict'), help='The VASP parameters related to ionic dynamics, e.g. flags to set the selective dynamics', required=False, ) spec.input( 'initial_structure', valid_type=(get_data_class('core.structure'), get_data_class('core.cif')), help='The input structure (POSCAR) for initial image.', ) spec.input( 'final_structure', valid_type=(get_data_class('core.structure'), get_data_class('core.cif')), help='The input structure (POSCAR) for the final image.', ) spec.input( 'metadata.options.withmpi', valid_type=bool, default=True, help='Set the calculation to use mpi', ) spec.input_namespace( 'neb_images', valid_type=(get_data_class('core.structure'), get_data_class('core.cif')), help='Starting structure for the NEB images', dynamic=True, ) # Need namespace on this as it should also accept keys that are of `kind`. These are unknown # until execution. spec.input_namespace( 'potential', valid_type=get_data_class('vasp.potcar'), help='The potentials (POTCAR).', dynamic=True, ) spec.input( 'kpoints', valid_type=get_data_class('core.array.kpoints'), help='The kpoints to use (KPOINTS).', ) spec.input_namespace( 'charge_density', dynamic=True, valid_type=get_data_class('vasp.chargedensity'), required=False, help='The charge density. (CHGCAR)', ) spec.input_namespace( 'wavefunctions', valid_type=get_data_class('vasp.wavefun'), dynamic=True, required=False, help='The wave function coefficients. (WAVECAR)', ) spec.input( 'settings', valid_type=get_data_class('core.dict'), required=False, help='Additional parameters not related to VASP itself.', ) spec.input( 'metadata.options.parser_name', default=cls._default_parser, ) # Define outputs. # remote_folder and retrieved are passed automatically # Turn on dynamic outputs to avoid problem when catching is used # it appears the catching implementation does not work with calcjobs with namespace outputs spec.outputs.dynamic = True spec.output_namespace( 'structure', required=True, valid_type=get_data_class('core.structure'), help='NEB images', dynamic=True, ) spec.output_namespace( 'chgcar', valid_type=get_data_class('vasp.chargedensity'), required=False, help='The output charge density.', dynamic=True, ) spec.output_namespace( 'kpoints', valid_type=get_data_class('core.array.kpoints'), required=False, help='Kpoints for each image.', dynamic=True, ) spec.output_namespace( 'misc', valid_type=get_data_class('core.dict'), required=True, help='Per-image misc output.', dynamic=True, ) spec.output_namespace( 'wavecar', valid_type=get_data_class('vasp.wavefun'), required=False, dynamic=True, help='The output file containing the plane wave coefficients.', ) spec.output_namespace( 'site_magnetization', valid_type=get_data_class('core.dict'), required=False, dynamic=True, help='The output of the site magnetization for each image.', ) spec.output( 'neb_misc', valid_type=get_data_class('core.dict'), help='NEB related data combined for each image', ) spec.exit_code( 0, 'NO_ERROR', message='the sun is shining', ) spec.exit_code( 350, 'ERROR_NO_RETRIEVED_FOLDER', message='the retrieved folder data node could not be accessed.', ) spec.exit_code( 351, 'ERROR_NO_RETRIEVED_TEMPORARY_FOLDER', message='the retrieved_temporary folder data node could not be accessed.', ) spec.exit_code( 352, 'ERROR_CRITICAL_MISSING_FILE', message='a file that is marked by the parser as critical is missing.', ) spec.exit_code( 333, 'ERROR_VASP_DID_NOT_EXECUTE', message='VASP did not produce any output files and did likely not execute properly.', ) spec.exit_code( 1001, 'ERROR_PARSING_FILE_FAILED', message='parsing a file has failed.', ) spec.exit_code( 1002, 'ERROR_NOT_ABLE_TO_PARSE_QUANTITY', message='the parser is not able to parse the {quantity} quantity', ) spec.exit_code( 1003, 'ERROR_RECOVERY_PARSING_OF_XML_FAILED', message= 'the vasprun.xml was truncated and recovery parsing failed to parse at least one of the requested quantities: {quantities}, ' 'very likely the VASP calculation did not run properly', ) spec.exit_code( 704, 'ERROR_DIAGNOSIS_OUTPUTS_MISSING', message= 'Outputs for diagnosis are missing, please make sure the `neb_data` and `run_status` quantities are requested for parsing.', )
[docs] def prepare_for_submission(self, folder): """ Add all files to the list of files to be retrieved. Notice that we here utilize both the retrieve batch of files, which are always stored after retrieval and the temporary retrieve list which is automatically cleared after parsing. """ calcinfo = super().prepare_for_submission(folder) nimages = len(self.inputs.neb_images) nimage_keys = sorted(list(self.inputs.neb_images.keys())) image_folders = [] # Iterate though each image_folder that needs to be setup for i in range(nimages + 2): folder_id = f'{i:02d}' image_folder = Path(folder.get_abs_path(folder_id)) image_folder.mkdir() poscar = str(image_folder / 'POSCAR') if i == 0: # Write the initial image self.write_neb_poscar(self.inputs.initial_structure, poscar) elif i == nimages + 1: # Write the final image self.write_neb_poscar(self.inputs.final_structure, poscar) else: # Write NEB images img_key = nimage_keys[i - 1] self.write_neb_poscar(self.inputs.neb_images[img_key], poscar) image_folders.append(folder_id) # Link with singlefile WAVECAR/CHGCAR is needed if self._need_wavecar(): wavecar = self.inputs.wave_functions[img_key] dst = folder_id + '/' + 'WAVECAR' calcinfo.local_copy_list.append((wavecar.uuid, wavecar.filename, dst)) if self._need_chgcar(): chgcar = self.inputs.charge_densities[img_key] dst = folder_id + '/' + 'CHGCAR' calcinfo.local_copy_list.append((chgcar.uuid, chgcar.filename, dst)) try: store = self.inputs.settings.base.attributes.get('ALWAYS_STORE', default=True) except AttributeError: store = True try: additional_retrieve_list = self.inputs.settings.base.attributes.get( 'PER_IMAGE_ADDITIONAL_RETRIEVE_LIST', default=[] ) except AttributeError: additional_retrieve_list = [] try: additional_retrieve_temp_list =\ self.inputs.settings.base.attributes.get('PER_IMAGE_ADDITIONAL_RETRIEVE_TEMPORARY_LIST', default=[]) # pylint: disable=invalid-name except AttributeError: additional_retrieve_temp_list = [] if store: calcinfo.retrieve_list.extend( image_folder_paths(image_folders, set(self._PER_IMAGE_ALWAYS_RETRIEVE_LIST + additional_retrieve_list)) ) calcinfo.retrieve_temporary_list.extend(image_folder_paths(image_folders, additional_retrieve_temp_list)) else: calcinfo.retrieve_temporary_list.extend( image_folder_paths( image_folders, set(self._PER_IMAGE_ALWAYS_RETRIEVE_LIST + additional_retrieve_temp_list) ) ) calcinfo.retrieve_list.extend(image_folder_paths(image_folders, additional_retrieve_list)) #self.logger.warning('Calcinfo: {}'.format(calcinfo)) return calcinfo
def _structure(self): """ Get the input structure as AiiDa StructureData. This is required in order to support CifData as input as well. """ structure = self.inputs.initial_structure if not hasattr(structure, 'get_pymatgen'): structure = get_data_node('structure', ase=structure.get_ase()) return structure
[docs] def remote_copy_restart_folder(self): """ Add all files required for restart to the list of files to be copied from the previous calculation. For NEB calculations, the CHGCAR and WAVECAR needs to be copied for each of the actual images. """ restart_folder = self.inputs.restart_folder computer = included = ['CHGCAR', 'WAVECAR'] nimages = len(self.inputs.neb_images) copy_list = [] for image_id in range(1, nimages + 1): fdname = f'{image_id:02d}' existing_files = restart_folder.listdir(fdname) for name in included: if name not in existing_files: # Here we simple issue an warning as the requirement of files will be explicitly checked by # `write_additional` method'WARNING: File {name} does not exist in the restart folder.') else: copy_list.append(( computer.uuid, os.path.join(restart_folder.get_remote_path(), fdname, name), os.path.join(fdname, name), )) return copy_list
[docs] def write_neb_poscar(self, structure, dst, positions_dof=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Write the POSCAR. Passes the structures node (StructureData) to the POSCAR parser for preparation and writes to dst. :param dst: absolute path of the file to write to """ settings = self.inputs.get('settings') settings = settings.get_dict() if settings else {} poscar_precision = settings.get('poscar_precision', 10) if positions_dof is not None: options = {'positions_dof': positions_dof} else: options = None poscar_parser = PoscarParser(data=ensure_structure_data(structure), precision=poscar_precision, options=options) poscar_parser.write(dst)
[docs] def verify_inputs(self): """ Verify the order of elements """ super().verify_inputs() last_order = None last_num_sites = None for structure in list(self.inputs.neb_images.values() ) + [self.inputs.initial_structure, self.inputs.final_structure]: # Convert to StructureData from CifData on demand.... if not hasattr(structure, 'get_pymatgen'): structure = get_data_node('core.structure', ase=structure.get_ase()) num_sites = len(structure.sites) order = ordered_unique_symbols(structure) if last_order is not None and order != last_order: raise InputValidationError('The input structures have non-euqal element orders.') if last_order is not None and num_sites != last_num_sites: raise InputValidationError('The input structures have non-equal number of atoms.') last_order = order last_num_sites = num_sites
[docs] def write_incar(self, dst, validate_tags=False): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Write the INCAR without tag validation. Validation is performed at `parsevasp` level and VTST tags are not included. :param dst: absolute path of the file to write to """ super().write_incar(dst, validate_tags=validate_tags)
[docs] def image_folder_paths(image_folders, retrieve_names): """ Return a list of folders paths to be retrieved """ retrieve_list = [] for key in retrieve_names: for fdname in image_folders: # Skip the stdout for the first image - it is diverted to the root folder if int(fdname) == 1 and key == VaspNEBCalculation._VASP_OUTPUT: # pylint: disable=protected-access continue # Need to use the tuple format to keep the sub directory structure retrieve_list.append([fdname + '/' + key, '.', 2]) return retrieve_list
[docs] def ensure_structure_data( structure: Union[DataFactory('core.structure'), DataFactory('core.cif')] ) -> DataFactory('core.structure'): """ Get the input structure as AiiDA StructureData. This is required in order to support CifData as input as well. """ if not hasattr(structure, 'get_pymatgen'): structure = get_data_node('structure', ase=structure.get_ase()) return structure