Source code for aiida_vasp.commands.potcar

Commands for the potential interface.

Commandline util for dealing with potcar files.
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
import click
from click_spinner import spinner as cli_spinner
import tabulate

from aiida.cmdline.utils.decorators import with_dbenv

from aiida_vasp.commands import options
from aiida_vasp.utils.aiida_utils import cmp_load_verdi_data, get_data_class

VERDI_DATA = cmp_load_verdi_data()'vasp-potcar')
def potcar():
    """Top level command for handling VASP POTCAR files."""

[docs] def try_grab_description(ctx, param, value): """ Try to get the description from an existing group if it's not given. This is a click parameter callback. """ potcar_data_cls = get_data_class('vasp.potcar') group_name = ctx.params['name'] existing_groups = potcar_data_cls.get_potcar_groups() existing_group_names = [group.label for group in existing_groups] if not value: if group_name in existing_group_names: return potcar_data_cls.get_potcar_group(group_name).description raise click.MissingParameter('A new group must be given a description.', param=param) return value
[docs] def detect_old_style_groups(): """Check for the existence of old style groups and prompt the user""" from aiida.orm import Group, QueryBuilder from import OLD_POTCAR_FAMILY_TYPE, PotcarGroup qdb = QueryBuilder() qdb.append(Group, filters={'type_string': OLD_POTCAR_FAMILY_TYPE}, project=['label']) all_old_groups = [qres[0] for qres in qdb.all()] not_migrated = [] for group_label in all_old_groups: qdb = QueryBuilder() qdb.append(PotcarGroup, filters={'label': {'==': group_label}}) count = qdb.count() if count == 0: not_migrated.append(group_label) if any(not_migrated): click.echo(( "Some of the old style POTCAR family groups are not migrated. Please run command 'verdi data vasp-potcar migratefamilies.\n'", f'The missing groups are: {not_migrated}.' ))
@potcar.command() @options.PATH( help='Path to a folder or archive containing the POTCAR files. ' 'You can supply the archive that you downloaded from the VASP server. ' 'The path does not need to be specified, if that is the case, the current path is used.' ) @options.FAMILY_NAME() @options.DESCRIPTION(help='A description for the family.', callback=try_grab_description) @click.option( '--stop-if-existing', is_flag=True, help='An option to abort when encountering a previously uploaded POTCAR file.' ) @options.DRY_RUN() @with_dbenv() def uploadfamily(path, name, description, stop_if_existing, dry_run): """Upload a family of VASP potcar files.""" potcar_data_cls = get_data_class('vasp.potcar') with cli_spinner(): num_found, num_added, num_uploaded = potcar_data_cls.upload_potcar_family( path, name, description, stop_if_existing=stop_if_existing, dry_run=dry_run ) click.echo(f'POTCAR files found: {num_found}. New files uploaded: {num_uploaded}, Added to Family: {num_added}') if dry_run: click.echo('No files were uploaded due to --dry-run.') @potcar.command() @click.option( '-e', '--element', multiple=True, help='Filter for families containing potentials for all given elements.' ) @click.option('-s', '--symbol', multiple=True, help='Filter for families containing potentials for all given symbols.') @click.option('-d', '--description', is_flag=True, help='Also show the description.') @with_dbenv() def listfamilies(element, symbol, description): """List available families of VASP potcar files.""" detect_old_style_groups() potcar_data_cls = get_data_class('vasp.potcar') groups = potcar_data_cls.get_potcar_groups(filter_elements=element, filter_symbols=symbol) table = [['Family', 'Num Potentials']] if description: table[0].append('Description') for group in groups: row = [group.label, len(group.nodes)] if description: row.append(group.description) table.append(row) if len(table) > 1: click.echo(tabulate.tabulate(table, headers='firstrow')) click.echo() elif element or symbol: click.echo('No POTCAR family contains all given elements and symbols.') else: click.echo('No POTCAR family available.') @potcar.command() @options.PATH(type=click.Path(exists=False), help='Path to location of the exported POTCAR family.') @options.FAMILY_NAME() @options.DRY_RUN(help='Only display what would be exported.') @click.option('-z', '--as-archive', is_flag=True, help='Create a compressed archive (.tar.gz) instead of a folder.') @click.option('-v', '--verbose', is_flag=True, help='Print the names of all created files.') @with_dbenv() def exportfamily(path, name, dry_run, as_archive, verbose): """Export a POTCAR family into a compressed tar archive or folder.""" potcar_data_cls = get_data_class('vasp.potcar') if not as_archive: files = potcar_data_cls.export_family_folder(name, path, dry_run) if verbose: click.echo(tabulate.tabulate([[i] for i in files], headers=['Files written:'])) else: archive, files = potcar_data_cls.export_family_archive(name, path, dry_run) if verbose: click.echo(tabulate.tabulate([[i] for i in files], headers=[f'Files added to archive {archive}:'])) click.echo(f'{len(files)} POTCAR files exported.') if dry_run: click.echo('Nothing written due to "--dry-run"') @potcar.command() @with_dbenv() def migratefamilies(): """ Migrate the type_string associated with the potcar family groups. Previously, these groups has type_string: Since AiiDA 1.2, groups used by plugins should be defined by subclass and entrypoint names. This commands recreates the old style group using the ``PotcarGroup`` class. """ from import migrate_potcar_group migrate_potcar_group()