Source code for aiida_vasp.parsers.content_parsers.vasprun

The vasprun.xml parser interface.

Contains the parsing interfaces to ``parsevasp`` used to parse ``vasprun.xml`` content.
# pylint: disable=abstract-method, too-many-public-methods
import numpy as np
from parsevasp import constants as parsevaspct
from parsevasp.vasprun import Xml

from aiida_vasp.parsers.content_parsers.base import BaseFileParser
from aiida_vasp.utils.compare_bands import get_band_properties

[docs] class VasprunParser(BaseFileParser): """The parser interface that enables parsing of ``vasprun.xml`` content. The parser is triggered by using the keys listed in ``PARSABLE_QUANTITIES``. """ OPEN_MODE = 'rb' DEFAULT_SETTINGS = { 'quantities_to_parse': [ 'structure', 'eigenvalues', 'dos', 'kpoints', 'occupancies', 'trajectory', 'energies', 'projectors', 'dielectrics', 'born_charges', 'hessian', 'dynmat', 'forces', 'stress', 'total_energies', 'maximum_force', 'maximum_stress', 'band_properties', 'version', ], 'energy_type': ['energy_extrapolated'], 'electronic_step_energies': False } PARSABLE_QUANTITIES = { 'structure': { 'inputs': [], 'name': 'structure', 'prerequisites': [], 'alternatives': ['poscar-structure'] }, 'eigenvalues': { 'inputs': [], 'name': 'eigenvalues', 'prerequisites': [], 'alternatives': ['eigenval-eigenvalues'] }, 'dos': { 'inputs': [], 'name': 'dos', 'prerequisites': [], 'alternatives': ['doscar-dos'] }, 'kpoints': { 'inputs': [], 'name': 'kpoints', 'prerequisites': [], 'alternatives': ['kpoints-kpoints'] }, 'occupancies': { 'inputs': [], 'name': 'occupancies', 'prerequisites': [], }, 'trajectory': { 'inputs': [], 'name': 'trajectory', 'prerequisites': [], }, 'energies': { 'inputs': [], 'name': 'energies', 'prerequisites': [], }, 'total_energies': { 'inputs': [], 'name': 'total_energies', 'prerequisites': [], }, 'projectors': { 'inputs': [], 'name': 'projectors', 'prerequisites': [], }, 'dielectrics': { 'inputs': [], 'name': 'dielectrics', 'prerequisites': [], }, 'stress': { 'inputs': [], 'name': 'stress', 'prerequisites': [], }, 'forces': { 'inputs': [], 'name': 'forces', 'prerequisites': [], }, 'born_charges': { 'inputs': [], 'name': 'born_charges', 'prerequisites': [], }, 'hessian': { 'inputs': [], 'name': 'hessian', 'prerequisites': [], }, 'dynmat': { 'inputs': [], 'name': 'dynmat', 'prerequisites': [], }, 'fermi_level': { 'inputs': [], 'name': 'fermi_level', 'prerequisites': [], }, 'maximum_force': { 'inputs': [], 'name': 'maximum_force', 'prerequisites': [] }, 'maximum_stress': { 'inputs': [], 'name': 'maximum_stress', 'prerequisites': [] }, 'band_properties': { 'inputs': [], 'name': 'band_properties', 'prerequisites': [], }, 'version': { 'inputs': [], 'name': 'version', 'prerequisites': [], } } # Mapping of the energy names to those returned by parsevasp.vasprunl.Xml ENERGY_MAPPING = { 'energy_extrapolated': 'energy_extrapolated_final', 'energy_free': 'energy_free_final', 'energy_no_entropy': 'energy_no_entropy_final', 'energy_extrapolated_electronic': 'energy_extrapolated', 'energy_free_electronic': 'energy_free', 'energy_no_entropy_electronic': 'energy_no_entropy', } ENERGY_MAPPING_VASP5 = { 'energy_extrapolated': 'energy_no_entropy_final', 'energy_free': 'energy_free_final', # Not that energy_extrapolated_final parsed is the entropy term 'energy_no_entropy': 'energy_extrapolated_final', 'energy_extrapolated_electronic': 'energy_extrapolated', 'energy_free_electronic': 'energy_free', 'energy_no_entropy_electronic': 'energy_no_entropy', } def _init_from_handler(self, handler): """Initialize using a file like handler.""" self.overflow = False try: self._content_parser = Xml(file_handler=handler, k_before_band=True, logger=self._logger) except SystemExit as exception: if exception.code == 509: # Xml might be fine but overflow is detected self.overflow = True self._logger.warning('Parsevasp exited abnormally due to overflow in XML file.') else: self._logger.warning('Parsevasp exited abnormally.') @property def version(self): """Fetch the VASP version from ``parsevasp`` and return it as a string object.""" # fetch version version = self._content_parser.get_version() if version is None: return None return version @property def eigenvalues(self): """Fetch eigenvalues.""" # Fetch eigenvalues eigenvalues = self._content_parser.get_eigenvalues() if eigenvalues is None: return None return eigenvalues @property def occupancies(self): """Fetch occupancies.""" # Fetch occupancies occupancies = self._content_parser.get_occupancies() if occupancies is None: # occupancies not present, should not really happen? return None return occupancies @property def kpoints(self): """Fetch the kpoints an prepare for consumption by the NodeComposer.""" kpts = self._content_parser.get_kpoints() kptsw = self._content_parser.get_kpointsw() # k-points in XML is always in reciprocal if spacing methods have been used # but what about explicit/regular cartesian = False kpoints_data = None if (kpts is not None) and (kptsw is not None): # Create a dictionary and store k-points that can be consumed by the NodeComposer kpoints_data = {} kpoints_data['mode'] = 'explicit' kpoints_data['cartesian'] = cartesian kpoints_data['points'] = kpts kpoints_data['weights'] = kptsw return kpoints_data @property def structure(self): """ Fetch a given structure. Which structure to fetch is controlled by inputs. eFL: Need to clean this so that we can set different structures to pull from the outside. Could be usefull not pulling the whole trajectory. Currently defaults to the last structure. """ return self.last_structure @property def last_structure(self): """ Fetch the structure. After or at the last recorded ionic step. """ last_lattice = self._content_parser.get_lattice('last') if last_lattice is None: return None return _build_structure(last_lattice) @property def final_structure(self): """ Fetch the structure. After or at the last recorded ionic step. Should in principle be the same as the method above. """ return self.last_structure @property def last_forces(self): """ Fetch forces. After or at the last recorded ionic step. """ force = self._content_parser.get_forces('last') return force @property def final_forces(self): """ Fetch forces. After or at the last recorded ionic step. """ return self.last_forces @property def forces(self): """ Fetch forces. This container should contain all relevant forces. Currently, it only contains the final forces, which can be obtain by the id `final_forces`. """ final_forces = self.final_forces forces = {'final': final_forces} return forces @property def maximum_force(self): """Fetch the maximum force of at the last ionic run.""" forces = self.final_forces if forces is None: return None norm = np.linalg.norm(forces, axis=1) return np.amax(np.abs(norm)) @property def last_stress(self): """ Fetch stess. After or at the last recorded ionic step. """ stress = self._content_parser.get_stress('last') return stress @property def final_stress(self): """ Fetch stress. After or at the last recorded ionic step. """ return self.last_stress @property def stress(self): """ Fetch stress. This container should contain all relevant stress. Currently, it only contains the final stress, which can be obtain by the id `final_stress`. """ final_stress = self.final_stress stress = {'final': final_stress} return stress @property def maximum_stress(self): """Fetch the maximum stress of at the last ionic run.""" stress = self.final_stress if stress is None: return None norm = np.linalg.norm(stress, axis=1) return np.amax(np.abs(norm)) @property def trajectory(self): """ Fetch unitcells, positions, species, forces and stress. For all calculation steps. """ unitcell = self._content_parser.get_unitcell('all') positions = self._content_parser.get_positions('all') species = self._content_parser.get_species() forces = self._content_parser.get_forces('all') stress = self._content_parser.get_stress('all') # make sure all are sorted, first to last calculation # (species is constant) unitcell = sorted(unitcell.items()) positions = sorted(positions.items()) forces = sorted(forces.items()) stress = sorted(stress.items()) # convert to numpy unitcell = np.asarray([item[1] for item in unitcell]) positions = np.asarray([item[1] for item in positions]) forces = np.asarray([item[1] for item in forces]) stress = np.asarray([item[1] for item in stress]) # Aiida wants the species as symbols, so invert elements = _invert_dict(parsevaspct.elements) symbols = np.asarray([elements[item].title() for item in species.tolist()]) if (unitcell is not None) and (positions is not None) and \ (species is not None) and (forces is not None) and \ (stress is not None): trajectory_data = {} keys = ('cells', 'positions', 'symbols', 'forces', 'stress', 'steps') stepids = np.arange(unitcell.shape[0]) for key, data in zip(keys, (unitcell, positions, symbols, forces, stress, stepids)): trajectory_data[key] = data return trajectory_data return None @property def total_energies(self): """Fetch the total energies after the last ionic run.""" energies = self.energies if energies is None: return None energies_dict = {} for etype in self._settings.get('energy_type', self.DEFAULT_SETTINGS['energy_type']): energies_dict[etype] = energies[etype][-1] # Also return the raw electronic steps energy energies_dict[etype + '_electronic'] = energies[etype + '_electronic'][-1] return energies_dict @property def energies(self): """Fetch the total energies.""" # Check if we want total energy entries for each electronic step. electronic_step_energies = self._settings.get( 'electronic_step_energies', self.DEFAULT_SETTINGS['electronic_step_energies'] ) return self._energies(nosc=not electronic_step_energies) def _energies(self, nosc): """ Fetch the total energies for all energy types, calculations (ionic steps) and electronic steps. The returned dict from the parser contains the total energy types as a key (plus the _final, which is the final total energy ejected by VASP after the closure of the electronic steps). The energies can then be found in the flattened ndarray where the key `electronic_steps` indicate how many electronic steps there is per ionic step. Using the combination, one can rebuild the electronic step energy per ionic step etc. Because the VASPrun parser returns both the electronic step energies (at the end of each cycles) and the ionic step energies (_final), we apply a mapping to recovery the naming such that the ionic step energies do not have the suffix, but the electronic step energies do. """ etype = self._settings.get('energy_type', self.DEFAULT_SETTINGS['energy_type']) # Create a copy etype = list(etype) etype_orig = list(etype) # Apply mapping and request the correct energies from the parsing results # VASP 5 has a bug where the energy_no_entropy is not included in the XML output - we have to calculate it here if self.version.startswith('5'): # For energy_no_entropy needs to be calculated here if 'energy_no_entropy' in etype_orig: etype.append('energy_free') etype.append('energy_extrapolated') # energy extrapolated is stored as energy_no_entropy for the ionic steps if 'energy_extrapolated' in etype_orig: etype.append('energy_no_entropy') # Remove duplicates etype = list(set(etype)) energies = self._content_parser.get_energies(status='all', etype=etype, nosc=nosc) # Here we must calculate the true `energy_no_entropy` if 'energy_no_entropy' in etype_orig: # The energy_extrapolated_final is the entropy term itself in VASP 5 # Store the calculated energy_no_entropy under 'energy_extrapolated_final', # which is then recovered as `energy_no_entropy` later energies['energy_extrapolated_final' ] = energies['energy_free_final'] - energies['energy_extrapolated_final'] else: energies = self._content_parser.get_energies(status='all', etype=etype, nosc=nosc) if energies is None: return None # Apply mapping - those with `_final` has the suffix removed and those without has `_electronic` added mapped_energies = {} mapping = self.ENERGY_MAPPING_VASP5 if self.version.startswith('5') else self.ENERGY_MAPPING # Reverse the mapping - now key is the name of the original energies output revmapping = {value: key for key, value in mapping.items()} for key, value in energies.items(): # Apply mapping if needed if key in revmapping: if revmapping[key].replace('_electronic', '') in etype_orig: mapped_energies[revmapping[key]] = value else: mapped_energies[key] = value return mapped_energies @property def projectors(self): """Fetch the projectors.""" proj = self._content_parser.get_projectors() if proj is None: return None projectors = {} prj = [] try: prj.append(proj['total']) # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object except KeyError: try: prj.append(proj['up']) # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object prj.append(proj['down']) # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object except KeyError: self._logger.error('Did not detect any projectors. Returning.') if len(prj) == 1: projectors['projectors'] = prj[0] else: projectors['projectors'] = np.asarray(prj) return projectors @property def dielectrics(self): """Fetch the dielectric function.""" diel = self._content_parser.get_dielectrics() if diel is None: return None dielectrics = {} energy = diel.get('energy') idiel = diel.get('imag') rdiel = diel.get('real') epsilon = diel.get('epsilon') epsilon_ion = diel.get('epsilon_ion') if energy is not None: dielectrics['ediel'] = energy if idiel is not None: dielectrics['rdiel'] = rdiel if rdiel is not None: dielectrics['idiel'] = idiel if epsilon is not None: dielectrics['epsilon'] = epsilon if epsilon_ion is not None: dielectrics['epsilon_ion'] = epsilon_ion return dielectrics @property def born_charges(self): """Fetch the Born effective charges.""" brn = self._content_parser.get_born() if brn is None: return None born = {'born_charges': brn} return born @property def hessian(self): """Fetch the Hessian matrix.""" hessian = self._content_parser.get_hessian() if hessian is None: return None hess = {'hessian': hessian} return hess @property def dynmat(self): """Fetch the dynamical eigenvectors and eigenvalues.""" dynmat = self._content_parser.get_dynmat() if dynmat is None: return None dyn = {} dyn['dynvec'] = dynmat['eigenvectors'] # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object dyn['dyneig'] = dynmat['eigenvalues'] # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object return dyn @property def dos(self): """Fetch the total density of states.""" dos = self._content_parser.get_dos() if dos is None: return None densta = {} # energy is always there, regardless of # total, spin or partial energy = dos['total']['energy'] # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object densta['energy'] = energy tdos = None pdos = None upspin = dos.get('up') downspin = dos.get('down') total = dos.get('total') if (upspin is not None) and (downspin is not None): tdos = np.stack((upspin['total'], downspin['total'])) if (upspin['partial'] is not None) and \ (downspin['partial'] is not None): pdos = np.stack((upspin['partial'], downspin['partial'])) else: tdos = total['total'] pdos = total['partial'] densta['tdos'] = tdos if pdos is not None: densta['pdos'] = pdos return densta @property def fermi_level(self): """Fetch Fermi level.""" return self._content_parser.get_fermi_level() @property def run_status(self): """Fetch run_status information""" info = {} # First check electronic convergence by comparing executed steps to the # maximum allowed number of steps (NELM). energies = self._content_parser.get_energies('last', nosc=False) parameters = self._content_parser.get_parameters() info['finished'] = not self._content_parser.truncated # Only set to true for untruncated run to avoid false positives if energies is None: info['electronic_converged'] = False elif energies.get('electronic_steps')[0] < parameters['nelm'] and not self._content_parser.truncated: info['electronic_converged'] = True else: info['electronic_converged'] = False # Then check the ionic convergence by comparing executed steps to the # maximum allowed number of steps (NSW). energies = self._content_parser.get_energies('all', nosc=True) if energies is None: info['ionic_converged'] = False else: if len(energies.get('electronic_steps')) < parameters['nsw'] and not self._content_parser.truncated: info['ionic_converged'] = True else: info['ionic_converged'] = False # Override if nsw is 0 - no ionic steps are performed if parameters['nsw'] < 1: info['ionic_converged'] = None return info @property def band_properties(self): """Fetch key properties of the electronic structure.""" eigenvalues = self.eigenvalues occupancies = self.occupancies if eigenvalues is None: return None # Convert dict to index in numpy array if 'total' in eigenvalues: eig = np.array(eigenvalues['total']) occ = np.array(occupancies['total']) else: eig = np.array([eigenvalues['up'], eigenvalues['down']]) occ = np.array([occupancies['up'], occupancies['down']]) return get_band_properties(eig, occ)
def _build_structure(lattice): """Builds a structure according to AiiDA spec.""" structure_dict = {} structure_dict['unitcell'] = lattice['unitcell'] structure_dict['sites'] = [] # AiiDA wants the species as symbols, so invert elements = _invert_dict(parsevaspct.elements) for pos, specie in zip(lattice['positions'], lattice['species']): site = {} site['position'] =, lattice['unitcell']) site['symbol'] = elements[specie].title() site['kind_name'] = elements[specie].title() structure_dict['sites'].append(site) return structure_dict def _invert_dict(dct): return dct.__class__(map(reversed, dct.items()))