Source code for

The .win parser interface.

Contains routines to parse Wannier90 input files. Will in the future be utilizing
the parser in the Wannier90 plugin, but no input parser exists.
import re

[docs] class BaseKeyValueParser(): # pylint: disable=useless-object-inheritance """Common codebase for all parser utilities.""" empty_line = re.compile(r'[\r\n]\s*[\r\n]')
[docs] @classmethod def line(cls, fobj_or_str, d_type=str): """Grab a line from a file object or string and convert it to d_type (default: str).""" if isinstance(fobj_or_str, str): line = fobj_or_str else: line = fobj_or_str.readline() # previously this was map instead of list comprehension res = [d_type(item) for item in line.split()] if len(res) == 1: return res[0] return res
[docs] @classmethod def splitlines(cls, fobj_or_str, d_type=float): """Split a chunk of text into a list of lines and convert each line to d_type (default: float).""" if isinstance(fobj_or_str, str): lines = fobj_or_str.split('\n') else: lines = fobj_or_str.readlines() return [cls.line(line, d_type) for line in lines]
[docs] class KeyValueParser(BaseKeyValueParser): """ Key and value parser. --------------------- This baseclass has some utility functions for parsing files that are (mostly) in a `key` = `value` format. This class does not integrate with the VaspParser class currently. A simple example, which tries to convert values to python objects on a best effort basis. Usage:: import re from aiida_vasp.parsers.file_parsers.parser import KeyValueParser ParamParser(KeyValueParser): def __init__(self, file_path): self._file_path = py.path.local(file_path) super().__init__() self.result = {} def convert_or_not(self, value): for converter in self.get_converter_iter(): converted = self.try_convert(value, converter) if converted and 'value' in converted: return converted['value'] return value def parse_file(self): assignments = re.findall(self.assignment, return {key: self.convert_or_not(value)} Parses files like:: StrParam = value_1 FloatParam = 1.0 BoolParam = True """ assignment = re.compile(r'(\w+)\s*[=: ]\s*([^;\n]*);?') bool_true = re.compile(r'^T$') bool_false = re.compile(r'^F$') comment = True
[docs] @classmethod def get_lines(cls, filename): with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf8') as input_file: lines = return lines
[docs] @classmethod def retval(cls, *args, **kwargs): """Normalize return values from value conversion functions.""" val = list(args) if len(val) == 1: val = val[0] ret = {'value': val} ret.update(kwargs) return ret
[docs] @classmethod def flatten(cls, lst): return [i for j in lst for i in j]
[docs] @classmethod def find_kv(cls, line): return re.findall(cls.assignment, line)
[docs] @classmethod def float(cls, string_): """Parse a string into an float value followed by a comment.""" vals = string_.split() value = float(vals.pop(0)) comment = ' '.join(vals) return cls.retval(value, comment=comment)
[docs] @classmethod def float_unit(cls, string_): """Parse string into a float number with attached unit.""" vals = string_.split() value = float(vals.pop(0)) unit = vals.pop(0) if vals else '' comment = ' '.join(vals) return cls.retval(value, unit, comment=comment)
[docs] @classmethod def int(cls, string_): """Parse a string into an integer value followed by a comment.""" vals = string_.split() value = int(vals.pop(0)) comment = ' '.join(vals) return cls.retval(value, comment=comment)
[docs] @classmethod def int_unit(cls, string_): """Convert a string into a python value, associated unit and optional comment.""" vals = string_.split() value = int(vals.pop(0)) unit = vals.pop(0) if vals else '' comment = ' '.join(vals) return cls.retval(value, unit, comment=comment)
[docs] @classmethod def string(cls, string_): """Parse a string into value and comment, assuming only the first word is the value.""" vals = string_.split() value = vals.pop(0) comment = ' '.join(vals) return cls.retval(value, comment=comment)
[docs] @classmethod def bool(cls, string_): """Parse string into a boolean value.""" vals = string_.split() bool_str = vals.pop(0) if re.match(cls.bool_true, bool_str): value = True elif re.match(cls.bool_false, bool_str): value = False else: raise ValueError( f'bool string {string_} did not match any of {[cls.bool_true.pattern, cls.bool_false.pattern]}' ) comment = ' '.join(vals) return cls.retval(value, comment=comment)
[docs] @classmethod def kv_list(cls, filename): with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf8') as input_fo: kv_list = filter(None, map(cls.find_kv, input_fo)) return kv_list
[docs] @classmethod def kv_dict(cls, kv_list): kv_dict = dict(cls.flatten(kv_list)) return kv_dict
[docs] @classmethod def clean_value(cls, str_value): """Get the converted python value from a string.""" if str_value == '': return cls.retval(str_value) cleaned_value = None converters = cls.get_converter_iter() while not cleaned_value: cleaned_value = cls.try_convert(str_value, return cleaned_value
[docs] @classmethod def get_converter_iter(cls): converter_order = [cls.bool,, cls.float, cls.string] return (i for i in converter_order)
[docs] @classmethod def try_convert(cls, input_value, converter): """Try to convert the input string into a python value given a conversion function.""" if not isinstance(input_value, str): return {'value': input_value} try: cleaned_value = converter(input_value) except ValueError: cleaned_value = {} if cleaned_value.get('value', None) is None: return None return cleaned_value
[docs] class WinParser(KeyValueParser): """Parses wannier90 input.""" block = re.compile(r'begin (?P<name>\w*)\s*\n\s*(?P<content>[\w\W]*)\s*\n\s*end \1') comment = re.compile(r'(!.*)\n?') def __init__(self, path): # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring super().__init__() self.result = {} with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf8') as winf: self.keywords, self.blocks, self.comments = WinParser.parse_win(winf) self.result.update(self.keywords) self.result.update(self.blocks)
[docs] @classmethod def parse_win(cls, fobj_or_str): """Parse a wannier90 input.""" if isinstance(fobj_or_str, str): content = fobj_or_str else: content = comments = re.findall(cls.comment, content) content = re.sub(cls.comment, '', content) blocks = re.findall(cls.block, content) content = re.sub(cls.block, '', content) kvd = dict(re.findall(cls.assignment, content)) bld = {} for keyword, value in blocks: # do not split individual lines bld[keyword] = [line.strip() for line in value.split('\n')] return kvd, bld, comments