.. _vasp_calculation: ================ VASP calculation ================ Inputs ------ * :ref:`parameters ` * :ref:`dynamics ` * :ref:`structure ` * :ref:`potential ` * :ref:`kpoints ` * :ref:`charge_density ` * :ref:`wavefunctions ` .. _vasp-input-parameters: parameters ^^^^^^^^^^ The input parameters (the content of the INCAR file). This is of the `AiiDA`_ data type :py:class:`Dict`, containing keys-value pairs that would be given in an INCAR file when running `VASP`_ manually. The conversion (parsing) from ``parameters`` to a `VASP`_ INCAR file is handled by :py:class:`Incar`. Example:: parameters = Dict(dict={ 'system': 'System Name', 'nbands': 24, 'gga': 'PE', 'gga_compat: False, 'encut': 280.0} ) Key names are case-insensitive, which should be considered when querying the database. Values can be given in their python representation or as strings (strings also may include unit specifications). .. _vasp-input-dynamics: dynamics ^^^^^^^^ A dictionary containing information about how the calculation should obey the dynamics of the system. Currently only one flag is respected, that is the ``positions_dof`` which contains a list, one entry per position which contains another list, e.g. ``[True, True, False]`` that describes the flags to set in ``POSCAR`` after each position in order to control the selective dynamics. Example:: dynamics = Dict(dict={'positions_dof': [[True, True, True], [False, True, False] ]} ) .. _vasp-input-kpoints: kpoints ^^^^^^^ The k-point mapping of the reciprocal space. This is of the `AiiDA`_ data type :py:class:`KpointsData` and can either be given as a mesh, list or path. This information is transformed into either of two kinds of KPOINTS file; a mesh or an explicit list. The transformation of k-point paths to lists of k-points is left to AiiDA to ensure consistency over codes. Mesh files are written as such because `VASP`_ treats them differently than lists and many use cases do not work with lists. The conversion (parsing) from ``kpoints`` to a `VASP`_ KPOINTS file is handled by :py:class:`Kpoints`. Example:: k_mesh = KpointsData() k_mesh.set_kpoints_mesh([4, 4, 4], offset=[0, 0, 0]) # a fairly sparse mesh This leads to the following KPOINTS:: Automatic mesh 0 Gamma 4 4 4 0 0 0 Whereas .. code-block:: python my_kpoints = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.1, 0.1, 0.1], ... ] my_weights = [1., 2., ...] assert(len(my_kpoints) == 10) assert(len(my_weights) == 10) k_list = KpointsData() k_list.set_kpoints(my_kpoints) leads to:: Explicit list 10 Direct 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 2.0 ... To use a k-point path requires knowledge of the structure beforehand .. code-block:: python structure = CifData.get_or_create('') k_path = KpointsData() k_path.set_cell(structure.get_ase().get_cell()) k_path.set_kpoints_path(value=[('G', 'M'), ('M', ...), ... ]) This leads to:: Explicit list Direct 0 0 0 1.0 ... Look at the class documentation for :py:class:`KpointsData` for more information on how to influence the generation of kpoints from paths. One can also utilize `SeeK-path`_ to create consitent explicit lists of k-points to be used for band structure extractions. This is demonstrated in :ref:`bands_workchain`. .. _`SeeK-path`: https://github.com/giovannipizzi/seekpath .. _vasp-input-structure: structure ^^^^^^^^^ The structure of the atomic layout. This is of the `AiiDA`_ data type :py:class:`StructureData` or :py:class:`CifData`. The conversion (parsing) to (from) ``structure`` from (to) a `VASP`_ ``POSCAR`` file is handled by :py:class:`Poscar`. .. _vasp-input-potential: potential ^^^^^^^^^ A namespace containing the potentials to use for each element (the POTCAR files). This is of the AiiDA-VASP data type :py:class:`~aiida_vasp.data.potcar.PotcarData`. How to upload `VASP`_ POTCAR files can be found at :ref:`potentials`. Once uploaded they can be obtained as follows:: # input_structure is for instance InAs potcar_mapping = {'In': 'In_d', 'As': 'As'} potcars = PotcarData.get_potcars_from_structure(structure=input_structure, family_name='PBE.54', mapping=potcar_mapping) One POTCAR node must be given to the calculations for each element in the system. The calculations take responsibility for ordering the elements consistently between POSCAR and POTCAR. .. _vasp-input-charge: charge_density ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The charge density of the electrons (the CHGCAR file). This is of the AiiDA-VASP data type :py:class:`ChargedensityData` and contains a CHGCAR file from a previous (self-consistent) run. This input is optional. .. _vasp-input-wave: wavefunctions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The plane wave coefficients (the WAVECAR file). This is of the AiiDA-VASP data type :py:class:`WavefunData` containing a WAVECAR (or WAVEDER) file from a previous (self-consistent) run. This input is optional. .. _vasp-input-wannier_parameters: wannier_parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :py:class:`Dict` containing information that would be given to Wannier90 in a `VASP`_ run with ``LWANNIER90 = TRUE``. Keyword parameters are mapped to key-value pairs, begin-end blocks are represented as lists with an entry per line. Numerical and boolean values can be given as python or string representations of the respective type. An example .. code-block:: python wannier_parameters = Dict(dict={ "num_bands": 24, "num_wann": 8, "projections": [ ["In: s; px; py; pz"], ["As: s; px; py; pz"] ] }) Outputs ------- Each `Calculation`_ in `AiiDA`_ has at least the following two output nodes: * ``retrieved``: An `AiiDA`_ data type :py:class:`FolderData`, containing information about the folder in the file repository holding the retrieved files after a run of a `Calculation`_ is completed (e.g. a regular `VASP`_ run). Each successfully completed `VASP`_ calculation will retrieve at least vasprun.xml and typically more files. * ``remote_folder``: An `AiiDA`_ data type :py:class:`RemoteData`, containing infomation about the directory on the remote computer where the `Calculation`_ ran. In addition to input parameters, a number of `VASP`_ specific output nodes may be generated depending on the specific `Calculation`_. .. _vasp-output-misc: misc ^^^^ A dictionary container that houses all system size independent properties. It is of an `AiiDA`_ data type :py:class:`Dict` and contains the keys for the maximum force, stress and total energies. .. _vasp-output-kpoints: kpoints ^^^^^^^ :py:class:`KpointsData` containing output k-points read from the output file IBZKPT. This node contains a list of k-points which can be passed to other codes or used to construct input kpoints for a `VASP`_ calculation with hybrid functionals. Applies to: * :py:class:`VaspCalculation` * :py:class:`Vasp2w90Calculation` .. _vasp-output-chargedens: chargedensities ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :py:class:`ChargeDensity` containing the CHGCAR output file. Applies to: * :py:class:`VaspCalculation` * :py:class:`Vasp2w90Calculation` .. _vasp-output-wavefun: wavefunctions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :py:class:`ChargedensityData` containing a WAVECAR file from a previous (self-consistent) run. Applies to: * :py:class:`VaspCalculation` * :py:class:`Vasp2w90Calculation` .. _vasp-output-bands: bands ^^^^^ :py:class:`BandsData` containing the bands information read from EIGENVAL and/or vasprun.xml. Applies to: * :py:class:`VaspCalculation` * :py:class:`Vasp2w90Calculation` .. _vasp-output-dos: dos ^^^ :py:class:`ArrayData` containing the DOS information read from DOSCAR and/or vasprun.xml. Applies to: * :py:class:`VaspCalculation` * :py:class:`Vasp2w90Calculation` .. _vasp-output-wannier_parameters: wannier_parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :py:class:`Dict` with a representation of the wannier90.win file generated by the VASP2Wannier90 interface, if :code:`LWANNIER90=True` was given as an input parameter. Applies to: * :py:class:`Vasp2w90Calculation` .. _vasp-output-wannier_data: wannier_data ^^^^^^^^^^^^ :py:class:`ArchiveData`, holding a compressed tar archive of the wannier_setup output files. Applies to: * :py:class:`Vasp2w90Calculation` .. _Calculation: https://aiida.readthedocs.io/projects/aiida-core/en/latest/concepts/calculations.html .. _AiiDA: https://www.aiida.net .. _VASP: https://www.vasp