
We honor the importance of an up to date and useful documentation and would like to motivate also the readers to contribute. Here we will describe how one can

Contributing to the documentation

Please consult the open issue list labeled documentation and see if there is already an issue for what you find lacking or not good enough. If not, please open an issue and tag it with documentation. The community also greatly appreciate contributions to solve issues, by submitting a pull request with suggested changes. Before doing so, please check the documentation by building it on your local computer and verifying that the Sphinx generated documentation in your browser displays what you expect.

Building the documentation locally on your computer

Make sure your existing AiiDA-VASP virtual environment is enabled. Install dependencies from the AiiDA-VASP root folder by issuing the following command:

$ pip install .[docs]

With a temporary web server

Now, we can build the documentation and setup a temporary web server for us to browse and check the documentation. From the AiiDA-VASP root folder, issue the command:

$ sphinx-autobuild docs/source docs/_build

Now open in a browser and inspect the documentation. The webserver can be brought down by killing the sphinx-autobuild process, i.e. by pressing Ctrl+C or similar.

Without a web server

To just build the documentation without setting up a temporary web server execute:

$ sphinx-build docs/source docs/_build