
Before describing how parameter passing works in this plugin it is worthwhile to restate that the design principle is that all higher lying workchains ultimately call the VaspWorkChain (VASP workchain) which should handle VASP specific translations and setups in order to execute your problem with VASP. At that point what we in general call parameters are fully converted to INCAR tags or flags in POSCAR, for instance in the case of selective dynamics.


In this documentation, there is the parameters, which is the general description of something you can adjust to get some specific behavior, or parameters which is a dedicated input parameter. It should be obvious from the context what is meant, and if in doubt, interpret the parameter as stated as the general meaning.


The higher lying workchains should in principle also be executable with e.g. Quantum Espresso or Abinit as long as one replaces the VaspWorkChain with a dedicated code specific translation and setup workchain for those codes. In order to facilitate this we designed what we call a ParametersMassage which translates certain parameters from AiiDA, or problem specific to VASP specific ones. This would also have to be written for the replacement code in case VASP is not to be used.

We now describe how parameters can be passed in the plugin. We separate between passing parameters directly to the VaspCalculation (VASP calculation), the VaspWorkChain (or any workchain ultimately calling VaspWorkChain). The latter being the recommended approach, unless you have very specific use-cases that warrants interacting with the VaspCalculation.

When supplying parameters to VaspWorkChain

Any bundled workchain, Workchains ultimately ends up calling VaspWorkChain and forwards parameters to it, where parameter composition is performed in terms dictated by VASP through the ParametersMassage. This is the recommended way of interacting and performing VASP calculations. For all parameters that go through the VaspWorkChain, there are basically three approaches to supply and adjust parameters in the plugin:

Directly to VASP

In case one needs to set certain parameters in INCAR that is unknown to the plugin, or one want to ensure VASP runs with some specific tags in INCAR, one can supply what we call INCAR passthrough parameters in parameters.incar. The incar here is often referred to as a namespace in parameters. To assemble the parameters.incar using the ProcessBuilder do:

builder = VaspWorkChain.get_builder()
builder.parameters = Dict(dict={"incar": {"encut": 500, "prec": "accurate"}})

or through a plain dict definition converted to an AiiDA Dict:

inputs_dict = {"parameters":  Dict(dict={"incar": {"encut": 500, "prec": "accurate"}})}
inputs_dict["structure"] = ...
submit(VaspWorkChain, inputs_dict )

The relevant INCAR tags and values should be supplied as keys and values, respectively to the parameters.incar dictionary. Remember that this is the only way to supply VASP parameters, or INCAR tags directly to VASP through the VaspWorkChain, or any more complex assembled workchain stack, eventually calling the VaspWorkChain.


Notice that if in one of the workchains that composes the workchain stack, a parameter is detected that is incompatible with a successful execution of said workchain it is overridden, including any additional necessary parameters and a message to the user is provided in the logs giving details of the override.


Also note that for instance the degrees-of-freedom used for selective dynamics runs is to be considered as an input to VASP and this does for obvious reasons not fit into parameters.incar. For these cases, a dedicated input node dynamics can be supplied to VaspWorkChain. For this particular example, the key positions_dof contains the selective dynamics flags to be set in POSCAR. Similarly one should utilize and define these namespaces accordingly when new functionality is introduced to VASP that for instance does not fit into INCAR. Also, note that the parameter wording is not used for these inputs.


When it comes to the workchains, one can supply parameters as direct inputs or contained in the parameters. Take for instance the RelaxWorkChain, as an example. We can for the RelaxWorkChain either supply a direct input under the namespace relax, i.e. relax.force_cutoff or supply it in the parameters as parameters.relax.force_cutoff.

The input it is also possible to supply Workchain input parameter in namespaces other than 'incar', e.g. parameters.relax.force_cutoff. This would override any parameter that has been supplied (or set as default ) in e.g. parameters.incar.ediffg. This Workchain input parameter is translated to EDIFFG by the ParametersMassage which is called in the VaspWorkChain.


From higher lying workchains like e.g. RelaxWorkChain, the parameters pertaining to this workchain that would be relevant for VASP are passed to this workchain in a namespace called relax, which is relevant if say the RelaxWorkChain is not the next callable workchain, but a few steps into the workflow. This generalizes to any workchain. This is again inspected in the relevant workchain and eventually forwarded to the next callable workchain in the workflow, eventually reaching VaspWorkChain. As an example, such Workflow input parameter could be relax.force_cutoff is supplied, which controls the size of the force cutoff when performing relaxations and is used by the RelaxWorkChain or any other workchain along the way, which potentially need to modify this parameter. When leaving the RelaxWorkChain the relevant parameters with respect to relaxation should sit in parameters.relax. The user can chose if they want to supply parameters in, for example relax or parameters.relax. Which strategy to follow depends on how explicit you want to be. For e.g. relax one typically define in the workchain spec.inputs section, relax.someparameter.

A few general comments

VASP specific parameters are only relevant for the first approach, while the two next approaches handle plugin specific parameters. For certain cases, like e.g. force_cutoff and negative EDIFFG there is correspondence, but this is not always the case.

The inherit_and_merge_parameters is called initially (before performing any workchain related work) in every workchain, which merges the workchain input nodes (somenamespace.something) with the content of parameters.somenamespace.something and performs the correct prioritization as described below. Notice that if an overlap is detected, the parameter in parameters.somenamespace.something is prioritized.

When supplying parameters to VaspCalculation

The VaspCalculation expects the input of the VASP INCAR tags to be supplied using parameters. E.g. the tags should be places accordingly, like parameters.icharg, parameters.sigma etc. This is also what is provided from the parameters.incar output of the ParametersMassage. In addition, the VaspCalculation accepts as a separate input node, the dynamics which can be supplied and contain e.g. the positions_dof flag which contains the selective dynamics flags used in POSCAR.

Supported namespaces

The supported namespaces are set using concatenation of the content of _BASE_NAMESPACES variable (currently containing ['electronic', 'smearing', 'charge', 'dynamics', 'bands', 'relax', 'converge']), any additional override namespace added by supplying the settings.additional_override_namespaces variable, which should be a list of strings to the VaspWorkChain and finally the override namespace incar directly related to VASP INCAR.

How parameters are prioritized and set

There are basically three ways to supply parameters, some of them ultimately ending up as tags and values in the INCAR, others are used to control the behavior of workchains or workflows composed of wotkchains. The prioritization of the different, but related ways are as follows:

  1. INCAR passthrough parameter

  2. Workchain input parameter

  3. Workflow input parameter

When a conflict between these three ways to supply parameters occurs, the latter always overrides the formers. For example, if you set (1) parameters.incar.ediffg = -1e-1, (2) parameters.relax.force_cutoff = 1e-2, and (3) relax.force_cutoff = Float(1e-3) for the RelaxWorkChain, the parameter in (3) is finally chosen as EDIFFG=-1e-3.

The parameter massager

The ParametersMassage translates parameters in the plugin to VASP specific ones, ensures that the prioritization is respected. The input would be composed parameters containing elements from the workchain input nodes and the previously set parameters, depending on the prioritization described above. The output would be a new parameters.incar which should only contain valid VASP flags, in addition to parameters.dynamics which should contain parameters to control the dynamics of the system (currently this only houses positions_dof to set the selective dynamics flags in POSCAR. This is typically what is supplied to the VaspCalculation.

Allowing custom VASP tags

In case you for instance perform developments in the VASP code, sometimes it makes sense to add a new VASP tag. This can be supplied in settings.unsupported_parameters as dict with the following specifications:

unsupported_parameters = {'my_unsupported_parameters': {
'default': 1.0,
'description': 'Some description',
'type': float,
'values': [1.0, 2.0]
builder.settings = Dict(dict={'unsupported_parameters': unsupported_parameters)

Alternatively, the validation can be turned off entirely by setting skip_parameters_validation to True under settings, for example:

builder.settings = Dict(dict={'skip_parameters_validation': True})

The above works for both VaspWorkChain and VaspCalculation. In the latter case, if any of skip_parameters_validation or unsupported_parameters are present in the settings input node, the validation is turned off completely.